An bhfuil to réidh?
Our new Irish language feature on Mollie in the Morning has just launched! Listen in to Clár sa Charr every Friday morning which will give you the chance to use and improve your 'cúpla focail'.
Clár sa Charr is a short conversation of a parent and child that takes place in the car on the way to school.
Here's what happened on Mollie in the Morning with Fiona and Séan.
Our new Irish language feature on Mollie in the Morning has just launched! Listen in to Clár sa Charr every Monday morning which will give you the chance to use and improve your ‘cúpla focail’.
Clár sa Charr is a short conversation of a parent and child that takes place in the car on the way to school.
Clár Sa Charr EP 15
Today's conversation is about school exams.

Clár Sa Charr EP 14
The theme for todays programme is school tour.

Clár Sa Charr EP 13
The theme for today's programme is recycling.

Clár Sa Charr EP 12
The theme for today's programme is holidays.

Clár Sa Charr EP 10
The theme for today's programme is a talent show.

Clár Sa Charr EP 9
The theme for today's programme is birthdays.

Lá saor – a day off
Is é mo bhreithlá inniu – it's my birthday today
Lá breithe shona duit – happy birthday to you
Cén aois thú anois – how old are you now?
Tá mé naoi mbliana d’aois - I’m 9 years old
Cóisir - party
Na cuirí - invitations
Líosta siopadóireachta - shopping list
Milseáin agus seacláid - sweets and chocolate
Dramhbhia – junk food
goujons sícín agus sceallóga - goujons and chips
Cluichí cóisir - party games
Cuir thart an beart – pass the parcel
Cáca breithe – birthday cake
Na coinnle a shéideadh amach – blow out the candles
**Comhrá sa charr inserted here**
Closing: Let’s listen to some of those words again:
Lá saor – a day off
Is é mo bhreithlá inniu – it's my birthday today
Lá breithe shona duit – happy birthday to you
Cén aois thú anois – how old are you now?
Tá mé naoi mbliana d’aois - I’m 9 years old
Cóisir - party
Na cuirí - invitations
Líosta siopadóireachta - shopping list
Milseáin agus seacláid - sweets and chocolate
Dramhbhia – junk food
goujons sícín agus sceallóga - goujons and chips
Cluichí cóisir - party games
Cuir thart an beart – pass the parcel
Cáca breithe – birthday cake
Na coinnle a shéideadh amach – blow out the candles
Clár Sa Charr EP 8

Clár Sa Charr EP 7
The Theme for today's programme is dogs.

Clár Sa Charr EP 6
The theme for today's programme is sports.

Clár Sa Charr EP 5
The theme for today's programme is Pancake Tuesday

Clár Sa Charr EP 4

The theme for today’s programme is Valentine’s Day.
Here are some of the words that NAME PARTICIPANTS will be using to talk about making special cards for Valentine's Day. How many of these words do you know?
Cártaí Vailintín - Valentines cards
Rómánsúil - Romantic
Ag magadh fúm - Teasing me
Dearadh – Design
Ildaite – Multicoloured
Gliú agus glioscarnach – Glue and glitter
An seomra ealaíne - The art room
Dán ghrá - A love poem
Tá rósanna dearg.. Tá sailchuacha gorm.. - Roses are red, Violets are blue
Bialann ghalánta - A fancy restaurant
Clár Sa Charr EP 3

The theme for today’s programme is Spring.
Here are some of the words that NAME PARTICIPANTS will be using to talk about Spring and going for a nature walk. How many of these words do you know?
Siúlóid dúlra - a nature walk
Dair – Oak tree
Feá - Beech tree
Cnó Capaill – Horse Chestnut tree
Lus an chromchinn – Daffodils
Coinnle corra – Bluebells
Duilleoga agus bláthanna - Leaves and Flowers
Ag pleidhcíocht - Messing
Tóraíocht taisce – Scavenger Hunt
Sruthán - River
Spideoga agus préacháin - Robins and Crows
Rang Tíreolaíocht - Geography class
Ag déanamh taighde – Doing research
Curdaigh ar líne - look up online / search online
Clár Sa Charr EP 2

Clár Sa Charr EP 1

Clár 1 - Foclóir
Táim réidh don bhóthar anois – I'm ready to go now / I’m ready for road
Chun na firinne a rá - to tell you the truth
Is cuimhin liom cuid de na carachtair - I remember a few of the characters
Lán le fuinneamh agus beocht – full of beans / full of life / full of energy
Bleachtairí - detectives
Daoine scanrúil - Scary people or baddies
Ligeann siad orthu – they pretend
Daoine gléasta suas - people dressed up / people in disguise
Tá sé nach mór dearmadta agam – I've almost forgotten it
Más buan mo chuimhne – If I remember correctly
Na príomhcharachtair - the main characters
Tá sé an-greannmhar – he's very funny
Ag caitheamh geasa draíochta - casting magic spells
Funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the Television Licence Fee.
Árna Mhaoiniú ag Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann leis an Táille Ceadúnais Teilifíse.