Over three million euro in funding has been awarded to five projects by researchers at the University of Galway.
It's part of a 23 million euro funding pot announced by the Research Ireland Frontiers for the Future Programme.
It funds high-risk, high-reward research programmes and innovative, collaborative research with the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.
The projects at the university span areas such as Breast Cancer and agriculture.
Learn more about the projects below:
€764,657.90 - Roisin Dwyer Targeting microRNA Megacluster 379/656 in Breast Cancer - New methods for treatment of those with advanced disease are urgently needed
€788,421.50 - Alexandre De Menezes - MicroVOCs: determining how microbial volatile organic compounds affect soil nitrogen cycling and N2O emissions. This project will investigate an overlooked process that influence soil microbial nitrogen cycling, which is one of the main sources of the potent GHG nitrous oxide.
€638,566.10 - Nicholas Allen and Kathleen Gorman - Therapeutic targeting in patient derived pluripotent stem cell neuronal modelling of KCNQ2-encephalopathy.
€554,562.70 - Linda Howard and Siobhan McMahon - Lentiviral vectormediated modification of the injured spinal cordusing a hydrogel delivery system to enhance repair and regeneration.
€582,635.50 Angela Carnevale and Tobias Rossmann - Machine learning and explicit computations of zeta functions in algebra.