Welcome to our Sunday Sport MATCH TRACKER of the National Hurling League first round game between Galway & Antrim from Pearse Stadium, 1pm.
70 +3. Conor Cooney stretches Galway's lead. Galway 1-19 Antrim 1-16
There will four additional minutes
69' Cathal Mannion dance around the Antrim defence and gets a vital point. Galway 1-18 Antrim 1-16
66' Free for Antrim. Neil McManus points. Galway 1-17 Antrim 1-16
65' Joseph Cooney adds another....five in a row for Galway. Galway 1-17 Antrim 1-15
64' Brian Concannon is fouled....Conor Cooney puts Galway back in the lead. Galway 1-16 Antrim 1-15
63' Davy Glennon levels it. Galway 1-15 Antrim 1-15
63' Eanna Burke get his third of the day. Antrim 1-15 Galway 1-14
61' John Hanbury gets a good point. Antrim 1-15 Galway 1-13
Davy Glennon comes on for Jason Flynn
60' Goal chance for Conor Cooney....blocked by the goalkeeper
56' Oops....nearly over the line. Antrim clear their lines. Eanna Burke hits the woodwork.
55' Neil McManus points a free from half way. Antrim 1-15 Galway 1-12
54' Martin Dolphin pegs it back to 2 again. Antrim 1-14 Galway 1-12
John Hanbury comes on for Matt Donoghue
51' Nigel Elliot adds another point. Is there a shock on? Antrim 1-14 Galway 1-11
Cathal Mannion is coming on for Paul Flaherty
Galway supporters in Pearse Stadium getting a bit anxious!
45' Conor Johnson finishes a good move from Antrim. Antrim 1-13 Galway 1-11
43' Eanna Burke scores from play. Antrim 1-12 Galway 1-11
42' Free for Antrim is pointed by Neil McManus. Antrim open a two point lead. Antrim 1-12 Galway 1-10
Jack Grealish (injury) is replaced by Gearoid McInerney
40' GOAL for Antrim. Nigel Elliot runs through the heart of the Galway defence and shoots past James Skehill. Antrim 1-11 Galway 1-10
36' Joseph Cooney opens to scoring in the second half. Galway 1-10 Antrim 0-11
Sean Loftus replaces Aidan Harte on the Galway team
HALF TIME: Galway 1-9 Antrim 0-11
35' Free in for Antrim. Neil McManus points. Galway 1-9 Antrim 0-11
34' GOALLLLLLL for Galway....Brian Concannon finishes to the net from a tight angle. Galway 1-9 Antrim 0-10
31' Neil McManus has given Antrim the lead for the first time in the game. Antrim 0-10 Galway 0-9
28' David Kearney levels it again. Galway 0-9 Antrim 0-9
25' Great score for Eanna Burke following another super pass from Jason Flynn. Galway back in front. Galway 0-9 Antrim 0-8
22' Neil McManus levels the game with his 5th point. This time from a 65. Galway 0-8 Antrim 0-8
21' Free in for Antrim. Neil McManus taps it over. Galway 0-8 Antrim 0-7
19' Good play between Jason Flynn and Niall Burke. Niall gets the point. Galway 0-8 Antrim 0-6
17' Antrim cut the margin again. Point from play by Nigel Elliot. Galway 0-7 Antrim 0-6
16' Paul Flaherty get one back. Galway 0-7 Antrim 0-5
16' Neil McManus adds another point from play. Galway 0-6 Antrim 0-5
15' Gerard Walsh finishes a good move by Antrim. Galway 0-6 Antrim 0-4
13' Neil McManus points a free. Galway 0-6 Antrim 0-3
11' Niall Burke is fouled...free in...Conor Cooney points. Galway 0-6 Antrim 0-2
9' Another free in for Galway. Same result, Conor Cooney slots it over. Galway 0-5 Antrim 0-2
7' Free in for Galway. Conor Cooney points. Galway 0-4 Antrim 0-2
6' Joseph Cooney wins the puck out, turns, over the bar, Galway 0-3 Antrim 0-2
5' Nigel Elliot points for Antrim. Galway 0-2 Antrim 0-2
2' Brian Concannon gathers, makes ground and points for Galway. Galway 0-2 Antrim 0-1
2' Antrim respond with a point from a free. Galway 0-1 Antrim 0-1 (Neil McManus)
Straight away Galway are on the attack.....Paul Flaherty has a chance of a goal. Saved by the keeper.
1 Min: Conor Cooney points the resultant 65. Galway 0-1 Antrim 0-0
Good crowd at Pearse Stadium. Galway will play into the wind in the opening half.