Welcome to our Sunday Sport MATCH TRACKER of the National Hurling League clash between Galway & Offaly at Pearse Stadium. 2pm.
Thanks for your company - Gerry Murphy
Three from three for Galway. Good result and good performance.
"Galway the better team all round" - Conor Hayes
70+1 Great catch by Niall Burke...... on to Sean Loftus....point. Galway 2-19 Offaly 0-14
There will be three minutes of additional time
69' Tommy Cahill points for Offaly. Galway 2-18 Offaly 0-14
Skehill save it.....justice done. Galway haven't conceded a goal yet in the league
PENALTY for Offaly. STEPS?
65' Conor Cooney makes it Galway 2-18 Offaly 0-13
64' Shane Dooley get a point from a free. Galway 2-17 Offaly 0-13
63' Conor Cooney with another...Galway flying! Galway 2-17 Offaly 0-12
61' Cathal Mannion adds another point. Galway 2-16 Offaly 0-12
59' Yet another good save by Offaly 'keeper Eoin Cahill denies Galway another goal
58' Free for Offaly scored by Shane Dooley. Galway 2-15 Offaly 0-12
57' Dan Currams adds to the Offaly tally. Galway 2-15 Offaly 0-11
55' Conor Cooney with a long distance free stretches the lead. Galway 2-15 Offaly 0-10
50' Galway add two more. Conor Cooney from a free and Paul Flaherty from play. Now Galway 2-14 Offaly 0-10
46' Point for Offaly from Tommy Geraghty followed by one from Niall Burke. Galway 2-12 Offaly 0-10
45' Tommy Geraghty point for Offaly Galway 2-12 Offaly 0-10
44' Niall Burke has got his first point since coming on for Joseph Cooney. Galway 2-12 Galway 0-8
42' RED CARD: Shane Kinsella. Offaly down to 14
40' Conor Cooney points for Galway . Galway 2-11 Offaly 0-8
37' GOALLL....Joseph Cooney reacts to a mess in the Offaly defence. Galway 2-10 Offaly 0-8
36' Cathal Mannion starts the second half as he did in the first with a point. Galway 1-10 Offaly 0-8
Joseph Cooney looks to have been fouled and there may have been a hurley thrown at his as he struck for goal. No free given! Half Time.
35+2' Goal chance.....Joseph Cooney....another super save by Eoin Cahill in the Offaly goal.
35+1. Great composure by Galway. Sean Loftus finishes a great move and some wonderful stick passing. Galway 1-9 Offaly 0-8
There will be 2 added minutes at the end of the 1st half
35' Mayhem around the Offaly goals as Galway search for a goal....pulled on by Cathal Mannion but goes wide!
28' Free in for Offaly. Damien Egan taps it over the bar. Galway 1-8 Offaly 0-8
23' Galway are moving better now. Conor Cooney points. Galway 1-8 Offaly 0-7
22' Another lovely score from good Galway play. Cathal Mannion is the one on the end of the move. Galway 1-7 Offaly 0-7
20' Paul Flaherty finishes a well-worked move. Galway 1-6 Offaly 0-7
17' Chance of a goal for Paul Flaherty....pulls first time...great save by Offaly 'keeper Eoin Cahill
16' Long puck put this time pays dividends as Sean Loftus gathers and points. Galway 1-5 Offaly 0-7
16' Poor puck out is intercepted and Dan Currams levels the match. Galway 1-4 Offaly 0-7
15' Free for Offaly is pointed by Damien Egan. Galway 1-4 Offaly 0-6
13' Conor Cooney extends the lead with a point from a free. Galway 1-4 Offaly 0-5
9' Joseph Cooney again! This time with a good point. Galway 1-3 Offaly 0-5
8' Equaliser for Offaly from a free by Shane Kinsella. Galway 1-2 Offaly 0-5
7' GOALL!!! Joseph Cooney finishes a good move between Conor Cooney & Davy Glennon. Galway 1-2 Offaly 0-4
6' Shane Kinsella answers for Offaly. Offaly 0-4 Galway 0-2
6' Davy Glennon to Cathal Mannion and he scores. Offaly 0-3 Galway 0-2
5' Offaly captain David King stretches the lead to 2 points. Offaly 0-3 Galway 0-1
3' Dan Currams adds another from play for Offaly. Offaly 0-2 Galway 0-1
1 Min: Free in for Offaly. Point for Damien Egan. Galway 0-1 Offaly 0-1
15 Seconds. Cathal Mannion open the scoring for Galway. Galway 0-1 Offaly 0-0
2pm. Game On!
Shane Bannon is on the Galway team in place of John Hanbury
Galway will play with a slight wind in the first half