The Irish Greyhound Board IGB wishes to advise that, having assessed the conditions at all tracks and taken account of the latest weather advisories, greyhound racing will not proceed on Saturday 3rd March 2018.
This decision has been taken in the interests of greyhound welfare and the practical difficulties that will be experienced by owners, breeders, trainers and patrons in safely accessing greyhound stadia from all parts of the country.
The following are the proposed alternative arrangements:
Shelbourne Park, Dublin:
Semis final of Ladbrokes Easter Cup is rescheduled to Tuesday 6th March. Final will go ahead on Saturday 10th March at Shelbourne Park.
Curraheen Park, Cork:
The Greyhound & Petworld Supersprint is rescheduled to Saturday 10th March
Kilcohan Park, Waterford:
The Yahoo Kennels Marathon is rescheduled to Saturday 10th March.
Race card rescheduled to Saturday 10th March
Race card rescheduled to Saturday 10th March. Decision regarding Sunday’s meeting (SIS) will be made.
Race card rescheduled to Saturday 10th March.
Race card rescheduled to Saturday 10th March.
The IGB has also been advised of the following:
Race card rescheduled to Saturday 10th March.
The Sales event at Thurles planned for 6th March has been rescheduled to Saturday 10th March ( trials at 9 a.m. with auction commencing at 11 a.m.)
Race card rescheduled for Saturday 10th March.
Race card rescheduled to Saturday 10th March.
The IGB thanks everybody for their cooperation and forbearance during this severe weather event.