Galway United Friends Co-Operative are hosting a virtual match viewing fundraiser to honour the 30th anniversary of the FAI Cup final victory in 1991.
For United's upcoming game against Athlone Town on Friday, they are selling tickets for €10.
€5 of the ticket will go to a charity of your choice from the list of charity partners they have assembled for this event.
The remaining €5 will go to the 4 underage teams of Galway United for their upcoming season.
For your €10 you will get access go the live stream of the match, a special 30th anniversary ticket which will be emailed on match night and everyone who shares their purchase on social media will get entered in to a draw for a two night luxury spa weekend for 2, breakfast and dinner included.
All you have to do is screenshot your donation on social media, tagging the Galway United Co-Op, using the #UnitedInSpirit and nominate 2 friends.
John Mulligan spoke to Shane Doherty about the fundraiser.

You can buy your ticket by clicking on the link below