One of the richest, if not THE Richest Handicap Hurdle Races in Europe, the Guinness Galway Hurdle, is the feature on ladies day of the Galway Races with the big race off at 5.05.
Racing begins with the Guinness Beginners Chase at 2.10.
George McDonagh looks at today's card.

Our Tips For Ladies Day at Ballybrit
2.10. Fakiera
2.45. Sole Pretender
3.20. Soaring Monarch, Imposing Supreme (both ew)
3.55 Voice Of Angels (ew) 4.30 Hors Piste
5.05 My Mate Mozzie, Autumn Evening, Tudor City (all ew)
5.40 Observing (ew)
6.10. A Law Of Her Own
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