On today's show:
- Concern over the number of landline phones out of use in Galway
- Eugene Murphy to contest Seanad elections - after getting 11th hour nominations
- Fred Again and Domhnall Gleeson visited O'Connors pub in Salthill over the Christmas
- City Councillor Alan Cheevers says Airbnb operators should be paying commercial rates
- A Status Yellow low temperature and ice warning is in effect for the entire country until 11am
- Charities appeal to support elderly during cold snap- Sean Moynihan from Alone
- Galway woman wins Galway Rape Crisis Centre's win100grand fundraiser
- Galway musicians to shine at Ireland’s premiere folk conference - Enda Scahill in studio
- Galway Thoughts with David Nevin
- Sports Preview with Ollie Turner
'Galway Talks with John Morley' broadcasts every weekday morning from 9am on Galway Bay FM.