On today's show:
We hear from local characters John Concannon, Francis Byrne and Marie Byrne;
Paschal Mannion chats Current Affairs;
And Vincent Connolly discusses the history of Kilconly;
Laura and Mike Murphy join John Morley to look ahead to a charity event on St. Patrick's weekend;
Dave O'Connell has the City Tribune headlines;
Bride Brady, Rebecca Samuels, Olga Dermody and Brendan Tierney chat about the heritage in Kilconly;
And Claire Conlisk, James Greaney and Matilda Daly represent local organisations;
And in the final hour, we look at sport in Kilconly;
We've music from Kilconly National School;
And we chat to more characters like Tom Gilmore, Angela Staunton and Francie Curley.
'Galway Talks' with John Morley broadcasts every weekday morning from 9am on Galway Bay FM.