Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board Celebrate ETB Week!
ETB Week is a week-long celebration of staff and learners across Ireland's 16 Education and Training Boards, showcasing the education and training ETBs provide to learners of all ages in their local communities. On Friday, 28th March, a showcase and celebration will take place in Galway Community College, Wellpark Road, Galway City. The purpose of this celebration is to showcase and acknowledge the many and various artistic talents that GRETB students possess throughout the whole of Galway and Roscommon within the 21 different schools in GRETB. Tune in to Ronan Lardner on The Live Wire broadcasting live from the event this Friday 28th 12-3pm.
Alongside GRETB’s two Community National Schools and 19 Post Primary Schools, Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board (GRETB) is the largest provider of further education and training (FET) in Galway and Roscommon. It has have forty centres across the two counties, offering courses that can be accessed on a full-time or part-time basis.
GRETB collaborates with employers in Galway and Roscommon to provide work-based learning opportunities that support employee development. The GRETB Employer Services team offers a wide range of part-time and evening courses across various sectors, which employers can utilise to train or upskill their employees.
It offers comprehensive learning paths, from early education to apprenticeships, youth services, and community education. At GRETB, the team prides itself on inclusivity. Their Learner Support and Inclusion Service ensures that all learners receive the support they need to fully engage with and benefit from the opportunities available. To find out more about GRETB, visit