Ours To Protect with John Morley (EP 47)

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Ours to Protect is a unique and exciting audio project – a collaboration of local and regional broadcasters from across the country who have come together to tackle climate change, champion climate action, and inform and educate audiences all over Ireland about how they can make a difference.

Today on ‘Ours To Protect’ John Morley talks to Nicola Connolly, Founder of Nunaia, about her regenerative business model.

Did you know…

· Nunaïa is a blend of three words from the Quechua language of the Andes Mountains. It means ‘Soul Tribe.’

· Businesses can actually have a positive impact on the environment and society? Regenerative business models go beyond just sustainability. They focus on restoring ecosystems and social well-being, leaving things better than they found them.

· Instead of just focusing on profit, they consider the well-being of the planet, people, and all stakeholders. This means businesses look to create shared value, where everyone benefits from their operations.

Why is it important for businesses to use a regenerative business models?

· By actively restoring ecosystems and reducing waste, regenerative businesses ensure they have the resources they need to thrive in the long run.

· People are becoming more eco-conscious and socially aware. Businesses that adopt regenerative practices often attract a loyal customer base who value their commitment to positive impact.

· Climate change, resource scarcity, and social unrest are all major challenges on the horizon. Businesses that embrace regeneration are better positioned to navigate these challenges and contribute to a more sustainable future.

What can I do to support regenerative business models?

· Look for companies, like Nunaia, with a clear commitment to regenerative practices. Check their websites, social media, or sustainability reports to see what they’re doing.

· Choose to buy from regenerative businesses whenever possible.

· Let businesses know you appreciate their regenerative efforts. Send emails, leave positive reviews, or participate in their social media discussions.

Here’s a few websites if you want to know more!

https://nunaia.com/ – Nunaia

https://utopia-the-edit.ie/2024/02/20/why-should-we-strive-for-regeneration-instead-of-sustainability-irish-trailblazer-entrepreneur-powering-change/ – Utopia The Edit

https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/03/regenerative-business-sustainability/ – World Economic Forum

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Galway Talks with John Morley

Galway Talks

with John Morley

Galway Talks with John Morley

Galway Talks

with John Morley

Galway Talks with John Morley

Galway Talks

with John Morley