Galway Talks With Keith Finnegan – Friday, 27th March 2020

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This morning, Keith spoke to Sinn Fein Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty about the response of insurance companies to businesses looking to make claims during the pandemic.

Siobhan Canney, Group Director of Midwifery told us all about the restrictions in place at the county’s maternity units, while singer Mike Denver spoke of his family’s experience during the recent birth of his baby daughter;

Claire Doherty of McDermott & Allen solicitors gave timely advice on how to get your legal affairs in order and the importance of making a will at this time;

There’s advice for those with credit union loans, a Galway company moving from gin distillation to the production of hand sanitiser and much more.

Galway Talks with Keith Finnegan broadcasts every Monday to Friday from 9am on Galway Bay FM.

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