Galway Bay fm newsroom:
Údarás na Gaeltachta has provided €450,000 in COVID-19 funding to businesses in the greater Galway Gaeltacht region.
185 companies in counties Galway, Mayo and Meath have received grant aid from an overall pot worth €1.4 million euro.
In the Galway, Mayo and Meath Gaeltacht area, 185 business have been awarded a total of €456,000 in Údarás na Gaeltachta Covid-19 funding.
According to Údarás, 96 applications were approved for the Online Trading Scheme, 89 Business Continuity Vouchers were allocated, while the majority of successful applications were for companies in the services, food and drink, and tourism sectors.
The funding, which was set up to help business to counteract the challenges created by the Coronavirus pandemic, has assisted with services including financial planning and access to online global sales markets.
Meanwhile, the Irish language body is advising Gaeltacht companies to contact their development executive or email [email protected] to find out more about these supports.