861 COVID-19 tests were carried out at the former Galway Airport yesterday alone.
HSE officials say the figure is an all-time high since the pandemic began with testers working from 9am to 9pm at the Carnmore facility.
A further 48 tests were carried out at the testing base at NUIG yesterday.
It comes as Galway's 14 day incidence rate stands at 456, with the rate at 729 in Mayo and the rate at 447 in Roscommon.
Chief Officer Community Healthcare West. Breda Crehan-Roche told Keith Finnegan on Galway Talks that most people tested will receive their result in 24 hours.
She says the vaccination programme is proceeding well in Galway with Units 5 and 6 at Merlin Park set to receive the innoculation tomorrow.
19 services across the west are scheduled for vaccination between today and Friday week (15th).
Breda Crehan-Roche is appealing to the Galway public to stay at home and heed all public health measures so that the virus is kept under control and the public can look towards reopening society again - to hear more, tune in to Galway Bay fm news on the hour...