Galway Bay fm newsroom - Permission has been granted for a 50 bed residential care centre at Sean Purcell Road in Tuam.
The existing building at Aras Mhuire was deemed to be not fit for purpose.
County planners have given the HSE the go ahead for the new development subject to 16 conditions.
The development will consist of a 2 storey courtyard building with adjoining service and day-care wings comprising 50 en suite bedrooms, together with all ancillary facilities.
This includes a reception area, day-care and therapy spaces, sitting, activity rooms and dining areas, as well as family accommodation, offices and administration areas.
The development will deliver 43 car parking spaces with associated vehicular set-down area, delivery yard and 12 cycle parking spaces.
There is also provision for a communal and private open space.
County planners have attached 16 conditions.
One states all groundworks within the site should be carried out subject to archaeological monitoring.