Galway Bay fm newsroom - Plans for a new timetable for bus services from the city to Lettermullen need to be implemented immediately.
That's according to Galway West TD Éamon Ó Cuív who has been campaigning for improvements to the 424 Bus Eireann service through Barna, Spiddal, Carraroe and on to Lettermullen.
Currently the last bus to leave Galway along the route is at 6p.m
The Fianna Fáil deputy says changes were expected in September, but so far no improvements have been implemented.
A spokesperson for the NTA told Galway Bay fm news that its working with Bus Eireann and the revised timetable is at draft concept stage and will be developed over the next few weeks.
The NTA says it's expected that the revised services for the 424 bus route will be implemented in early January.