Landowners and Community Groups in Galway City are being invited to apply for an innovative new nature scheme
The Hare's Corner biodiversity initiative will provide support for the creation of wildlife ponds, mini-woodlands, and mini-orchards on land patches across the city.
Applications are now open until March 21st.
The initiative is inspired by the term 'The Hare's Corner' - an old farming expression for an awkward section of a field which wasn't intensively farmed and so was 'left to nature'.
The non-profit project is coming to Galway city following successful rollours in Clare and Mayo - which saw 125 ponds, 200 orchards and 175 native mini-woodlands created.
It is being co-ordinated by the Burren-based landscape charity, Burrenbeo Trust, in conjunction with Galway City's Biodiversity Officer.
More information can be found at