224 fifth and sixth class pupils from five local schools in Galway got to go behind-the-scenes at Galway Racecourse today for the Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) Go Racing Kids Club education day.
They met with racecourse manager Michael Moloney, local trainer Fergus Hanley and jockey Derek O’Connor who gave the children a brief insight into their lives in the racing industry and the preparations involved for Galway race week. Additional repro free images available upon request.
Schools that took part
1. Castlegar NS
2. Merlin Woods Primary School
3. Carnmore NS
4. Tirellan NS
5. Briarhill NS

Horse Racing Ireland Schools Day.Pupils from Merlin Woods with jockey Derek O'Connor.Photo HEALY RACING.

Racetrack Manager Michael Moloney with pupils from Scoil San Phroinsias, Tirellan inspecting the starting stalls.Photo HEALY RACING.

Horse Racing Ireland Schools Day.Pupils from Merlin Woods with jockey Derek O'Connor in the weighroom.Photo HEALY RACING.