Galway Bay fm newsroom - The county council's severe weather team says conditions vary across Galway and there is accumulated snow and icy conditions.
The council has identified the east of the county as the most severely hit although there are dangerous conditions in all areas due to the additional snow fall last night and the continuing snow showers adding to snow drifts
As per the Winter Service Plan ploughing and treatment of the National Route network has been prioritised with this expanding to other routes on the winter service plan, weather permitting.
The message from the Gardai continues to be not to travel unless essential.
For Emergencies only the National Emergency Services can be contacted at 999 or 112.
The council says During the height of the weather event Fire Service responses to emergencies may be hampered and restricted and response times may be increased.
Members of the public are advised to take extra fire safety precautions at home.
Galway County Council Offices and Libraries are closed today and all non-essential services are not operating.
Galway County and city Council's Crisis Management Teams are continuing to work to assess the situation and prepare for changes to status warnings.