Galway Bay fm newsroom - The Green Party will tomorrow host a public meeting in Salthill about Galway traffic's congestion.
The party will also launch its local election campaign for Galway at a convention this weekend.
The Green Party will host a public meeting tomorrow evening at 7.30, at the Galway Bay Hotel in Salthill, with a focus on solutions to Galway's traffic problems.
Green Party candidate for the city's West Ward, Pauline O' Reilly and the City Central Ward, Martina O' Connor will speak at the public meeting, including Green Party Leader Eamon Ryan.
Prior to the public meeting, the party will also launch its European election candiates, who include 28-year old environmentalist Saoirse McHugh, a native of Achill, who will run in the Midlands, North West constituency.
German Green Party MEP Ska Keller will be the guest speaker at the event.
The local election campaign will be formally launched at the Galway Bay Hotel at 2pm on Saturday.