Galway Bay fm newsroom - Galway Cycling Campaign has joined a Europe-wide call on EU institutions to create a €5 billion fund to help people buy e-bikes.
The call for a centralised EU e-bike Access Fund is led by the European Cyclists' Federation, of which Galway Cycling Campaign is a member.
The cycling groups are proposing a set of subsidy schemes for the purchase of e-bikes and e-cargo bikes - to help people switch to cycling for their work commutes and general travel.
On Wednesday as part of UN World Bicycle Day, Galway Cycling Campaign will attend a special webinar on the topic of cycling for a Safe COVID-19 recovery and beyond.
The group has sent an invitation to this event to members of the City Mobility Team, all Galway TDs, and to all city and county councillors - and the public can also join the event via