The fallout continues over the Government's failure to change the constitution on family and care.
Yesterday's double count returned the highest ever 'No' vote in an Irish referendum - with 74% 'No' on Care... and 68% 'No' on Family.
In Galway, the result was emphatic in favour of 'No' in both referendums.
On The Family Referendum in Galway East, 72.02% voted 'No' with 27.98% voting 'Yes' and the Care Referendum, 77.94% voted 'No' with 22.06% voting 'Yes'.
The result was equally dominant in favour of 'No' in Galway West and Galway-Roscommon.
In Galway West, the result was 66.25 and 77.14% against with 33.75 and 25.86 in favour and in Roscommon-Galway, the result was 74% and 77.98% against with 26 and 22.02% in favour.
The Family Referendum
Galway West
Turnout: 41.71%
In Favour: 33.75%
Against: 66.25%
Galway East
Turnout: 40.83%
In Favour: 27.98%
Against: 72.02%
Turnout: 43.74%
In Favour: 26%
Against: 74%
The Care Referendum
Galway West
Turnout: 41.71%
In Favour: 25.86%
Against: 74.14%
Galway East
Turnout: 40.82%
In Favour: 22.06%
Against: 77.94%
Turnout: 43.74%
In Favour: 22.02%
Against: 77.98%