17 September 2023

~1 minutes read

Gaeilge/Ukrainian Children’s Colouring Book To Be Launched In Carna tomorrow

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Gaeilge/Ukrainian Children’s Colouring Book To Be Launched In Carna tomorrow

A new colouring book for both Irish and Ukrainian children is to be launched in Carna tomorrow.

The book, called Spraoi is a collaboration between Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta and Galway Rural Development and is aimed at local and Ukrainian children attending Gaeltacht schools.

It is hoped that it will be a classroom learning aid and a source of enjoyment in the home for both.

The book contains a collection of fun illustrations by Fearghas Mac Lochlainn and also has lists of words and phrases i nGaeilge translated into Ukrainian by Nadia Dobrianska.

Nadia is a Ukrainian native who is fluent i nGaeilge, who was displaced because of the war and is now living in this country.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this special book is that it comes with a QR code.

The pronunciation of the words i nGaeilge – and Ukrainian – can be found on the website of Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta.

The launch will take place at 12 Noon at Ionad Cuimhneachain na nImirceach.

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