The Government is considering options to help students and families by further reducing the cost of going to college, according to Fine Gael Senator Aisling Dolan.
Speaking this afternoon, Senator Dolan said that these steps are an attempt to drive down the cost of college for families and students.
She added that other options such as supports for part time students and mature students will also be considered.
Measures introduced in the last budged included students eligible for the fees initiative benefitting from a once-off reduction in the Student Contribution rate for the 2022/2023.
An extra grant payment for all students, including PLC students, undergrads and postgrads on the special rate, was paid last December.
While Post Grad students receiving the SUSI Fee Contribution Grant are benefitting from a once-off increase in their grant.
Further measures will take place this September with all grant levels increased by between 10% and 14% on a permanent basis.
Speaking to Galway Bay FM News This afternoon, Senator Dolan said that these supports are crucial for students and their families.