Galway Bay fm newsroom - Final approval has been given for the former Warwick Hotel in Salthill to be converted into a nursing home.
An Bord Pleanála has granted planning permission to Rushmany Nursing Homes Limited to build the facility at Upper Salthill Road.
The development involves the demolition of the old Warwick Hotel in Salthill to be replaced with a 4-storey nursing home with 60 bedrooms.
An appeal had been lodged with An Bord Pleanála against the development, but when an oral hearing was called, the objector failed to show up and the developers raised concerns about the objector's identity.
An Bord Pleanála has decided to uphold the decision by the city council to grant permission for the development at the Warwick with revised conditions.
The board states that a new nursing home would prvode a suitably located valuable community service.
Among the 15 conditions attached is a requirement that a revised ground floor and second floor plan be submitted to the planning authority.
This revision must relocate the library to the ground floor.
Also car parking spaces at the new nursing home must be for exclusive use of occupiers, staff and visitors.