Galway Bay fm newsroom - A controversial plan for a housing development in Roscam has been approved.
O' Malley Construction has been granted planning by An Bord Pleanala for more than 60 new homes at Curragrean, adjoining the Boireann Bheag estate
The city council previously granted planning permission for the development at what is known as 'The Melvin Site', but that decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanala.
Boireann Bheag Management Company argued in the appeal that there are serious road deficiencies in the area.
However, despite these concerns, the board has decided to allow the development go ahead with revised conditions.
The board ruled that the development of 12 apartments and 52 houses would be acceptable in terms of pedestrian and traffic safety and would not negatively impact amenities in the area.
An Bord Pleanala has attached 15 conditions to the grant of permission for the Roscam development.
One condition stipulates that agreed upgrade works at Junctions 1 and 2 on Doughiska Road must be completed prior to the homes are made available for occupancy.
Also the internal road network serving the development must comply with the detailed standards of the planning authority.