29 August 2024
~1 minutes read
An Bord Pleanala to reconsider 186 bed hotel at Ballybrit after High Court quashes refusal
An Bord Pleanala is to reconsider plans for a 186-bed hotel at Ballybrit – after the High Court quashed an order refusing permission.
The board had taken two years to reach a decision that was finally issued in January.
Efforts by Parosi Development Ltd to build the eight storey hotel at Briarhill Business Park are a long-running affair.
Plans were first lodged in 2020 and approved in 2022 – but an appeal was lodged with An Bord Pleanala by a local business and a local resident.
A core argument was the design and scale of the development being allegedly out of character with the area, and how that would impact on nearby businesses, services, and homes.
Initially, a planning inspector at An Bord Pleanala recommended approval of the project – but was over-ruled by a split decision from the board.
The developer went to the High Court – and has now secured an order quashing the decision from the higher planning body.
The plans will have to be reassessed again – and how long that will take, is anyone’s guess.