22 May 2024

~1 minutes read

An Bord Pleanala refuses permission for guesthouse at derelict site in Loughrea

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An Bord Pleanala refuses permission for guesthouse at derelict site in Loughrea

An Bord Pleanala has upheld the refusal of planning permission for a guesthouse in Loughrea.

The plans, led by Silver Task Ltd, would have seen an existing derelict home at Athenry Road demolished and replaced with a two-storey guesthouse.

The home is adjacant to the Loughrea Hotel and Spa.

But county planners found the size and scale would amount to over-development of the site, and be out of character with the local area.

An Bord Pleanala has now refused the plans on appeal, finding it would constitute overdevelopment.

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