Galway Bay fm newsroom - An Bord Pleanala has confirmed the CPO for the upgrade of Kirwan roundabout in the city to a signalised junction.
The route which has already gone through the Part 8 process would involve a land take of over one hectare.
As part of the scheme, a public right of way across the existing roundabout is to be extinguished and replaced with a green open spaced area within the traffic light junction arrangement.
Four private properties will be impacted by the project including the Menlo Park hotel, a bed and breakfast, a residence, and a partially constructed residential site.
An oral hearing concerning the CPO was held last month (Jan) where a local residents' group argued the upgrade would increase rat-runs and exacerbate Galway's traffic problems.
City officials had stated the scheme is needed due to collisions and safety, traffic demand, network integration and pedestrian facilities.
The CPO has now been confirmed without modifications.
In making its decision, An Bord Pleanala considered a number of areas including the city development plan, the community need, the overall design and the submissions received.
It stated that the permanent and temporary acquisition of the lands in question and the extinguishment of the public right of way is necessary and the objections cannot be sustained having regard to the said necessity.