Widespread snow showers moving east to west this morning. Current temps around the country ranging -3 to -6°C. Snow showers continuing this morning & afternoon with more persistent snow pushing up from the south east later this afternoon & evening in strengthening easterly winds.

Court sittings for today and tomorrow cancelled. All cases listed for Galway District Court adjourned to Monday 5th March. All cases listed at Kilronan District Court adjourned to 7th June. All Circuit Court sittings stand adjourned to Tuesday 6th March.
Further to the red Alert issued by Met Eireann Galway County Council Offices and Libraries are closed today except with essential services. Emergency Number remains in place at 091-509069. Customer [email protected]
Town hall theatre in Galway closed today - no performance tonight
Due to Weather Red Alert Aer Arann Islands, Connemara Airport will be closed from lunch time today until Saturday morning.
City Chief Brendan McGrath says #Galway facing high tide this evening - boom barrier erected at Spanish arch. Avoid coastal areas. #BeastFromTheEast#StormEmma