Death Notices
Broadcast Times
Monday - Friday
09:00, 11:00, 13:00 and 16:00
Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays
11:00, 13:00 and 16:00
Catherine Browne nee McHugh
Fr. Thomas (Tom) O'CONNOR M.H.M.
Frank Donohoe
Alicia Agboola
Catherine (Kathleen) McCarthy nee Gaughan
Sean Fox
Marie Madden
Jack (Jackie) Spelman
Bobby Gardiner
Padraic O'Connor
Eugene also known as Gene Forde
Rev Fr. Seamus Nohilly SMA
Úna O'Halloran nee D'arcy
John Connolly
Elizabeth also known as Betty Cooney nee Reilly
Ann (Christina) Duggan nee Flaherty