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We love hearing from our community! Whether you have a song request, want to share local news, or are interested in advertising opportunities, we're all ears. Reach out to us via phone, email, or our social media platforms. Your voice is an essential part of what makes Galway Bay FM the heartbeat of the community, and we're eager to hear what you have to say.

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    Galway Bay FM make advertising with them so easy; we could have an idea for an advert on Monday and it will be produced and on-air before the end of week. We also run a bi-monthly “Good Health Naturally” question and answer segment on Galway Talks with Keith Finnegan and often within minutes we have customers calling asking for more information or going in-store to purchase the product mentioned. Galway Bay FM’s personalised service, quality and creativity are second to none.

    - The team at Evergreen Healthfoods

    Testimonial Image