11 June 2024

~1 minutes read

Sept 10 next date for drug driving case involving former Galway East TD Colm Keaveney

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Sept 10 next date for drug driving case involving former Galway East TD Colm Keaveney

Former Galway East Fianna Fáil TD and former county councillor Colm Keaveney, who’s accused of drug driving, appeared before Tuam District court today.

The 53 year old with an address at Kilcreevanty, Tuam, is charged with driving his car while there was a quantity of cocaine in his system, contrary to the Road Traffic Act.

The offence is alleged to have occurred at Cummer, Tuam on the 12th of June last year.

Mr Keaveney’s defence solicitor Gearóid Geraghty requested a hearing date and said there was a difficult legal issue on the matter.

Judge James Faughnan set a date of 10 September for a hearing at Tuam District Court.

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